Your product has to be perfect to win users’ hearts and minds. That is why we offer software testing services. Our team of manual and automation testing engineers performs various types of testing for web and mobile applications to make sure your product operates like a Swiss watch.
At this stage, our QA engineers determine user expectations for the system to be developed. This information serves as a foundation for test plans and project plans and helps to validate requirements for completeness, unambiguity, and feasibility.
In terms of software testing services, this is a preparatory stage where QA engineers describe the whole testing workload starting from object description, strategy, scheduling, quality criteria, to the necessary tools, expertise, and risk assessment.
This is a critical stage in the context of software testing services: here QA engineers proceed to test and “hunt” for the bugs.
If something works or displays as not expected, a QA engineer creates a bug report, describing the defects in detail. Based on the received bug reports, the development team fixes all the bugs.
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